Button (legacy)

  • Deprecated
  • Not reviewed for accessibility


Use Button instead.

Button is used for actions, like in forms, while Link is used for destinations, or moving from one page to another.

In special cases where you'd like to use a <a> styled like a Button, use <Button as='a'> and provide an href.

To create a button group, wrap Button elements in the ButtonGroup element. ButtonGroup gets the same props as Box.


Kitchen sink

Button table list


Native <button> HTML attributes are forwarded to the underlying React button component and are not listed below.


Sets the HTML tag for the component


Additional styles


A value of small, medium, or large results in smaller or larger Button text size; no effect if fontSize prop is set



  • Component props and basic example usage of the component are documented on primer.style/react.
  • Component does not have any unnecessary third-party dependencies.
  • Component can adapt to different themes.
  • Component can adapt to different screen sizes.
  • Component has robust unit test coverage (100% where achievable).
  • Component has visual regression coverage of its default and interactive states.
  • Component does not introduce any axe violations.
  • Component has been manually reviewed by the accessibility team and any resulting issues have been addressed.


  • Component is used in a production application.
  • Common usage examples are documented on primer.style/react.
  • Common usage examples are documented in storybook stories.
  • Component has been reviewed by a systems designer and any resulting issues have been addressed.
  • Component does not introduce any performance regressions.


  • Component API has been stable with no breaking changes for at least one month.
  • Feedback on API usability has been sought from developers using the component and any resulting issues have been addressed.
  • Component has corresponding design guidelines documented in the interface guidelines.
  • Component has corresponding Figma component in the Primer Web library.
  • Tooling (such as linters, codemods, etc.) exists to prevent further use of alternatives.